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* This file is part of the Tracy (https://tracy.nette.org)
Tracy = window.Tracy || {};
var layer = document.getElementById('tracy-debug');
Tracy.getAjaxHeader = function() {
return layer.dataset.id;
var Panel = Tracy.DebugPanel = function(id) {
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if (!this.is('tracy-ajax')) {
Panel.prototype.is = function(mode) {
return this.elem.classList.contains(mode);
Panel.prototype.focus = function(callback) {
var elem = this.elem;
if (this.is(Panel.WINDOW)) {
} else {
elem.Tracy.displayTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
elem.style.zIndex = Panel.zIndex++;
if (callback) {
}, 50);
Panel.prototype.blur = function() {
var elem = this.elem;
if (this.is(Panel.PEEK)) {
elem.Tracy.displayTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
Panel.prototype.toFloat = function() {
Panel.prototype.toPeek = function() {
Panel.prototype.toWindow = function() {
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